ASK DON: Do we become angels in Heaven?

Don Piper’s Answer
We have been asked about angels quite often. Some people want to know if we become angels when we die.

No, angels are a separate class of being. God created angels for many purposes. Angels can appear on earth in human form. They are messengers, servants, and they have other tasks they perform.

Humans are the only creation the Bible says were created in the image of God. God breathed into humans the breath of life, and we have living souls. As magnificent and wonderful as angels are, they have a different purpose in God’s kingdom.

Angels will be with us in Heaven, they are the very beings that carry us to Heaven, and we will worship God with them there. The Bible is clear that in God’s order of things, some day we will even be in charge of the angels.

90minutesinheaven • September 1, 2015

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